DANCER Emily Petty had reason to celebrate life yesterday after surviving the Manchester Arena bombing to go on to pass her GCSEs.

The 16-year-old student at Carmel College, Darlington, part of the Bishop Hogarth Catholic Education Trust, will now continue her studies at a dance college, the next step towards her Broadway dreams.

Emily had just started Carmel College in Year 7 when she travelled with her mum Joanne to the fateful Ariana Grande concert.

“We heard a loud bang and just thought it was a balloon but then people started to panic and we could see smoke coming from the foyer,” said Emily, who has been dancing since she was three and will now study dance at The Works Academy, Sunderland. 

Joanne added: “I just grabbed her by the scruff of her neck and ran. Everyone was pushing and panicking and from what people were saying I was expecting to see terrorists with guns. We were crying and a nice man took us back to our hotel because we were lost.”

Emily was diagnosed with PTSD and had counselling with the Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service. She also had to cope with the death of her grandfather and her other grandparents going into homes.

Joanne said: “She lost her confidence, wouldn’t go out without me and couldn’t sleep.”

Emily added: “The dance really helps me as it makes me feel like I am in another world and I can forget about it. Carmel has been brilliant too and so supportive throughout.”

She hopes one day to be a professional dancer either backing celebrities or working in theatre on Broadway, New York.

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