Darlington Borough Council revealed some of its ideas for how a masterplan for the Northgate area of the town could be regenerated during the first of its consultation events yesterday.

Darlington has been allocated £22m from the Government's Towns Fund, about half of which will go to Northgate.

The 15-year-plan was described as "ambitious" by Chris Mains, Towns Fund manager.

It will seek to improve run down historic buildings in the conservation zone, improve the area around the River Skerne and provide a new link to the town centre. 

The Northern Echo:

Here's what people at the first consultation event had to say about the proposals:

The Northern Echo:

John Melvyn Robinson, 74, said he would like to see the housing stock in the area increased. He added: “It’s excellent. There’s only one problem ­– how much money is it going to cost?

“And do they need permission from all the householders?

“It’s great if they can do it.

“This part of Darlington is the approach to the town. Other towns like Hartlepool are a lot better. It’s not very good going down North Road.”

The Northern Echo:

Stephen Morgan, 35, runs the NQA Foodbank in Pathfinder House, in Northgate, which is a listed building and was derelict before his charity moved in this year.

He said: “I think it’s fantastic. When you think its one of Darlington’s most important corridors and people see it and its not a good impression.

“The area feels quite run down. I feel like community involvement would be very beneficial. It would be good for the community to have something to be proud of.

“I can see issues with convincing people it’s the right way forward.”

He added: “In the next few years as we come out of covid its going to be vital to have regeneration, especially with the Treasury coming up North. This area is steeped in history. I think we need to harness it and be proud of it and show it off. We want to show who Darlington is and what we stand for.”

The Northern Echo:

Katharine Alley, 59, said: “Northgate definitely feels like a poor relation at the moment. It needs something to link it up and make the most of the river.

“North Road has some lovely buildings but they are hidden behind rubbish. It could be a lovely street. I just wish it was happening now and now it 15 years, but it looks lovely.”

The Northern Echo:

David Henry, 73, said: “Darlington has never made the most of its rail heritage so that has been a bit of a change.

“I’ve lived here for 25 years so I know the area and there’s definitely some potential. It’s not one of these areas that has been yuppified.

“There’s a long way to go. I think it’s ambitious and its good to see Darlington being ambitious.”

The Northern Echo:

 Pauline Liddle said: “It’s over 15 years but it does look good. If we’re going to get the Treasury we need to look good.

“I think it looks very exciting.”

Graham Liddle, her husband, added: “This is a conservation area but they don’t really make the most of it. Its not really abided by.

“I suppose its good to see some ambition for a change.”

The Northern Echo:

Nigel Massey, 55, has lived in Weir Street for 18 years after converting a building. He said: “It’s slow. We had this plan along time ago.

“We need the council to follow through with this. We feel as residents we have kind of been neglected.

“I would like to see it delivered.

“There was supposed to be a river walk before but it hasn’t happened. It’s been a neglected area but hopefully it is going to move forward."

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