HERE is a list of all the schools and pre-schools that recently had an Ofsted inspection in Teesside.

Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills) regulates schools, colleges and nurseries and publishes results publicly.

Schools are rated Outstanding, Good, Requires Improvement or Inadequate.

Some schools have had monitoring 'remote' visits by inspectors due to the pandemic.


Boomerang Pre-School, Upsall Grove

Rating: Good

Full inspection date: May 25, 2021

Previous rating: Requires Improvement

North Shore Academy, Talbot Street

Rating: Requires improvement

Full inspection date: October 9, 2018 (had monitoring visits since)

Previous rating: Requires Improvement

St Patrick’s Catholic College, A Voluntary Catholic Academy, Baysdale Road, Thornaby

Rating: Inadequate

Full inspection date: May 16, 2018 (had monitoring visits since)

Previous rating: Not previously inspected

Holy Trinity Rosehill CofE Voluntary Aided Primary School, Upsall Grove, Fairfield

Rating: Good

Full inspection date: December 17, 2013 - also had short visit on February 20, 2018 - continues to be Good

Previous rating: Outstanding

The Northern Echo:

St Joseph’s Roman Catholic Voluntary Aided Primary School, Low Grange Avenue, Billingham

Rating: Good

Inspection date: March 19, 2019 (short inspection) - also had monitoring visit on October 13, 2020

Previous rating: Good


Lynnfield Primary School, Grosvenor Street

Rating: Requires Improvement

Full inspection date: June 11, 2019 (had monitoring visits since)

Previous rating: Requires Improvement

English Martyrs Catholic School and Sixth Form College, Catcote Road

Rating: Requires Improvement

Full inspection date: July 2, 2019 (had monitoring visits since)

Previous rating: Requires Improvement

West Park Primary School, Coniscliffe Road

Rating: Good

Full inspection date: November 7, 2018 - also had monitoring visit on November 3, 2020

Previous rating: Good

The Northern Echo:


Kirkby and Great Broughton Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School, Kirkby Lane, Kirkby-in-Cleveland

Rating: Good

Full inspection date: March 19, 2013 - also had short inspection on November 28, 2017 - continues to be Good

Previous rating: Good

Macmillan Academy, Stockton Road

Rating: Good

Full inspection date: May 22, 2013 - also had short inspection on June 6, 2017 - continues to be Good

Previous rating: Outstanding

Breckon Hill Primary School, Breckon Hill Road

Rating: Good

Full inspection date: February 7, 2017 - also had a monitoring visit on December 15, 2020

Previous rating: Good

The King's Academy, Stainton Way, Coulby Newham

Rating: Good

Full inspection date: April 30, 2013 - also had short inspection on February 6, 2017

Previous rating: Good

The Northern Echo:


Chaloner Primary School, Wilton Lane, Guisborough

Rating: Good

Full inspection date: July 4, 2011 - also had short inspection on November 6, 2019 continues to be Good

Previous rating: Satisfactory (old rating system)

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