NEARLY 100 people were arrested for drink-driving in a county-wide Christmas safety campaign.

North Yorkshire police breathalysed more than 3,800 motorists between December 1 and 27, as part of Operation Helical 2, which aims to encourage drivers to stay within the law over the festive period.

Officers spent over 1,700 hours patrolling the county's roads and breath tested 55 per cent more drivers than in the same period last year, but saw 15 per cent fewer arrests.

The campaign will continue over the New Year and police warned motorists to think twice before getting behind the wheel after drinking alcohol or taking drugs.

Chief Superintendent Colin Taylor said: "The results are very encouraging in that we are carrying out more breath tests than last year, but have arrested fewer motorists.

"However, one person killed or seriously injured is one too many and we are working hard to ensure that those who choose to act irresponsibly are brought to justice.

"We want people to enjoy the festive season, but please don't let it end in tragedy for you or anyone else."

The intensive patrols also target "morning after" drivers.

The operation - part of the 95 Alive Partnership's festive drink-drive campaign - also saw 33 summonses and 333 fixed penalty notices issued for speeding, a further seven people 'fast tracked' to court for speeding and 310 speed warnings.

Two summonses were issued for using mobile phones while driving, 29 number plate offences were noted, 164 fixed penalties and one summons were issued for seat belt offences, 42 summonses and 11 fixed penalties were issued to drivers with no insurance and 54 vehicles were seized.