CHILDREN from a Teesside primary school have won a competition to design a stained glass window in honour of the 100th anniversary of the Royal British Legion.

Norton Primary Academy won the competition, which was organised to mark the 100th anniversary of the organisation, which supports veterans and their families.

Talented children from Northern Education Trust Norton Primary Academy entered a stunning stained glass window design as part of the competition.

The striking design will now be displayed in the window of the Stockton branch of the Royal British Legion in Wellington Square, Stockton, in the coming weeks.

Principal of Norton Primary Academy, Michelle Randall-Harris, said: “We are privileged to be involved in such a fantastic competition – one that both highlights 100 years of the Royal British Legion and allows us to showcase the children’s talent.

" I am so proud of all the children and staff involved and we cannot wait to see the children’s final piece on display.

"Everyone worked brilliantly as a team on the window design so to win is true testament to their hard work.

"As a school, these projects are so important to us as part of our commitment to be involved in the local community.”

The team of budding young artists scooped first prize in the competition to celebrate the 100th birthday of the invaluable organisation.

Schools were invited to create a model, picture or collage of their choice to commemorate the 100 year milestone.

The Royal British legion, which has a branch in Stockton, was formed in June 1921, bringing together four national organisations of ex-servicemen after the First World War.

The children involved in creating the artwork, which won in the 7-11 category, decided to honour the fallen in a poignant design incorporating poppies and the silhouette of a soldier.

The design was then reproduced using lead paint to create a bold window shape and the children used stained glass paint to give the final piece its unique finish.

The piece was chosen as the winner by Councillor Mohammed Javed – the Mayor of Stockton and Mrs Shabana Javed, Mayoress.

The Mayor is expected to visit Norton Primary Academy to present the school with their trophy in the near future.

The winning design will take pride of place in the window of the Stockton branch of the Royal British Legion in Wellington Square, Stockton.

It is expected to be showcased in the window in the coming weeks and people are invited to come along and view the eye-catching display.