THIS week, a primary school with a special link to the Feast of St Joseph Day and the Year of St Joseph has taken part in a series of celebrations for both occassions.

Pupils at St Joseph’s RC Primary School, in Gilesgate, created pieces of artwork and writing to commemorate the religious event.

Miss Leon Wilson, teacher of year three and four, said: “As St Joseph is the Patron Saint of our school, this was an extremely important celebration, and the school community has had amazing fun taking part in this.

“In the lead up to the celebration, Key Stage 2 classes prepared readings and artwork in order to produce a liturgy based on the Solemnity of St Joseph.

“Children in each class were recorded reading or holding their artwork and this was put together to make a liturgy which we then shared to our school community online.

“As visitors cannot come into our school at the moment, this is a great way of ensuring the school community and parishioners are still involved in everything done as a school.

“Positive comments were received about the liturgy and how hard the children and teachers have worked to produce this, particularly Mrs Hockey who works hard to put our online Liturgies together.

The Northern Echo: From left, pupils Isabelle, Abigail, Callum, Elodie, Emily, Huey, Filip, and AvaFrom left, pupils Isabelle, Abigail, Callum, Elodie, Emily, Huey, Filip, and Ava

“On the day of the Feast of St Joseph, children at St Joseph’s RC Primary School enjoyed a day of celebration.

“Families were involved in fundraising whereby each child was photographed in front of our ‘St Joseph’s Tree’ and photographs were sold in order to raise money for school funds.”

Isabelle, year three, said: “St Joseph’s Day is one of our favourite days in school every year because we celebrate St Joseph and we have lots of fun playing bingo and games.”

The teacher added: “Children at school worked hard to design St Joseph’s badges to decorate the outdoor installation, which has been extremely popular with families who walk past the tree every day at drop-off and pick-up times.

“Classes designed prayer cards to be given to governors and parishioners, and children were also involved in a fun game of bingo to finish the afternoon, with some lovely Easter prizes!

“During unprecedented times, iIt has been a great way to ensure the school community is fully involved, and children have been very happy in their return to school.”

To find out more about the school, visit