DOOR-to-door jab visits and pop-up clinics are being considered to tackle lower vaccine uptake in parts of Middlesbrough. 

Officials in Oldham have visited households to encourage take up in recent weeks – and health chiefs in Leicester are mulling over taking covid jabs out to doorsteps in a bid to protect residents. 

Now South Tees public health chief Mark Adams has agreed the move may well be needed in the town to boost uptake. 

The NHS is co-ordinating the vaccine roll out nationally alongside GPs, pharmacies and councils. 

Mr Adams told Tuesday’s health scrutiny panel how the Middlesbrough Council was still trying to get hold of more detailed data on vaccines to map spots where uptake was lower.

He revealed talks were continuing with town GP groups – otherwise known as Primary Care Networks (PCNs) – on where “pop-up” clinics could be erected. 

And he explained teams were looking at groups to target based on the data they had. 

Panel chairman Cllr David Coupe suggested door-to-door visits may be needed in the town. 

Mr Adams agreed – and gave an example from the west of the Pennines on how it could help. 

“There was a case of a GP and councillor in Oldham who went door to door and got talking to an 80-year-old lady of Pakistani origin,” he said. 

“She showed him three letters she’d received – but she couldn’t read because she didn’t speak English.

“Then when he asked whether she’d take one if they could get vaccines at the end of the road tomorrow – she said she would. 

“He was able to speak to her in her language, so communication and understanding is really important.”

NHS figures show more than a third of Middlesbrough’s population received their first jab by March 18 with almost 50,000 injections given. 

The roll out was boosted further on Monday with the Riverside Stadium opening as a mass vaccination centre. 

When it came to people not taking up vaccines, Mr Adams believed there were often practical barriers which stopped people – as well as disinformation. 

He added: “It’s a lot easier to get a vaccine when you can hop in your car, or your work is flexible enough for you to get to a vaccine site and then go.

“It’s harder if you’re looking after four kids – and you can’t drag them halfway across town to get one.”

Councils are expected to play a larger role in the vaccine roll out in the weeks and months ahead. 

The public health chief told the panel how teams would be pushing for vaccines to reach the top nine priority groups in the coming weeks.

Mr Adams added: “I don’t want to get to the end of April and think there is a whole raft of other things we could have done.

“I want to make sure we’ve done as much as we possibly can to increase uptake where we can.”

After the meeting, a spokeswoman for the Tees Valley Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) said they were working across the region to deliver vaccines as quickly and efficiently as possible.

She added: “Plans for innovation are continuing to evolve to ensure we manage to vaccinate the harder to reach in our communities.

“We are committed to the national requirement to leave no-one behind.”