An assessment by university academics has provided an insight into the impact of a ground-breaking heroin addiction treatment programme running in Middlesbrough.

The scheme, championed by former Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland Barry Coppinger began in October 2019 and aims to stop drug users’ reliance on heroin bought on the street, eventually enabling them to start a journey towards recovery.

With the highest rate of opiate use in England per head of population, Middlesbrough was chosen for a scheme providing treatment for long-term heroin users.

For every thousand people in the town, 21 are using heroin, while there were 60 drug-related deaths between 2017 and 2019, the second highest number in England during that period.

The pilot project set up in a bid to address these statistics remains the only one of its type in the country, although similar treatment is now being offered in Glasgow.

Patients attend twice daily, seven days a week at the Foundations medical practice in Acklam Road, Middlesbrough, to be injected with pharmaceutical grade diamorphine with supervision from clinical staff.

Licensed by the Home Office, it focuses on high risk individuals committing crimes to pay for entrenched addictions and for whom standard opiate substitute treatments – typically oral-based methadone – have failed.

The stated aims of the pilot are to

:: Reduce the number of deaths caused through heroin addiction;

:: Promote independence, long term recovery and stopping of offending behaviour;

:: Provide respite for local residents and businesses who can be the victims of crime to fund addiction;

:: Remove the health risks associated with street heroin and drug litter;

:: Free up substantial public resources currently dealing with the problem;

:: Cut off the funding stream to drugs gangs.

Last October the scheme was extended into a second year with the majority of its funding coming via the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner in Cleveland and from money seized from criminals under the Proceeds of Crime Act.

A range of other partners have contributed towards the costs, but it hasn’t come cheaply – by September this year the bill to date will be more than £729,000.

Supporters argue this is far less than the greater expense incurred by addicts’ prolific offending and the cost to the state of dealing with them.

Who carried out the assessment and what did they find?

An assessment by academic researchers Dr Helen Moore, Hannah Poulter and Professor Tammi Walker, from Teesside University, was presented to Cleveland’s Police and Crime Panel.

They aimed to understand any changes in the participants such as their levels of street drug usage, along with perceived health and wellbeing changes and housing status.

They also compared the criminality and associated costs of the group receiving treatment compared with the first year of the scheme’s intervention.

However it was made clear it was not a full economic cost/benefit analysis.

Fourteen people were assessed who took part in the first year of the scheme, who were mostly men aged between 35-51.

The study said the majority were still receiving treatment, although 35 per cent of participants had left permanently, either due to moving out of the area or being placed on remand due to criminal offending.

It said 97 per cent of all treatment sessions were attended, adding: “For a population that traditionally struggles to engage at all for planned appointments, attending twice daily for treatment is quite a remarkable level of behaviour change”. Some individuals had also been able to reduce their level of diamorphine while on the scheme.

Tests were carried out to check for street heroin and 80 per cent of these were negative with many people abstinent for large periods of time. On average the group upon entering the programme reported taking street heroin every day.

Participants recorded marked increases in their physical and psychological health by the end of year one, while wellbeing was scored as being above the average population and the majority were in secure accommodation with none sleeping rough.

From a housing point of view, the majority of individuals at the beginning were said to be in insecure housing with four sleeping rough.

But in the last monthly survey completed during the first year, the majority were said to be in secure accommodation with none sleeping rough.

The researchers said: “Working with individuals to treat their opiate use to a point they can engage with housing services is really important for recovery health and wellbeing for the individuals and also comes with large savings to the public purse.”

As far as crime was concerned, the researchers said participants had accumulated 52 years of prison time between them and had cost the state £4.3m, which included policing and criminal justice system costs and costs to victims through having items stolen or damaged.

They said it was not a fair comparison to compare the individuals’ average offending ‘careers’ of 19 years with the one year they had taken part in the scheme.

Nonetheless offending reduced by 60 per cent for those taking part and after just one month the majority were no longer shoplifting.

The study said while these were only early findings, the overall benefits were a substantial behaviour change in the participants and it also had to be noted these took place against the uncertain backdrop of the covid-19 crisis.

It was stressed that the research team had no face to face involvement with the participants, although a further 12 month qualitative study – a collaboration between Teesside and Durham universities, London School of Tropical Medicine and Public Health Middlesbrough – is planned in a bid to address this.

‘Herculean effort’

Lead clinician on the scheme, Danny Ahmed said it had required a “herculean effort” to keep it going during the pandemic.

Efforts to recruit new individuals for the treatment were suspended, changes to daily practices were made to accommodate social distancing, while a wider package of support ordinarily provided for patients had to be interrupted.

He said the programme currently had eight patients who were all extremely stable and consistently provided negative tests for street heroin and made a “huge commitment” to taking part each day.

Mr Ahmed said: “Middlesbrough is a trailblazer with this treatment, we have been contacted by a number of PCCs who are wanting to emulate the work done here and we should be really proud of what we have achieved to date.

“A police officer contacted our service and said he had bumped into an individual he had known for 15 years who was addicted to drugs and involved in criminal behaviour.

“He said the individual who was on the programme was the best he had seen him in years, he wasn’t wanted or suspected of any crimes, they were talking positively about the future and he could not believe the difference.

“We’ve seen and continue to see people breaking their relationship with street heroin for the first time and halting it so they can then engage in normal day to day activity.”

‘I used to be living for the next hit’

James – not his real name – who is in his early 40s, spent time in jail in the mid 1990s where he was introduced to heroin.

He said his normal life previously before taking part in the Middlesbrough scheme was shoplifting everyday and he needed up to £140 a day to feed his addiction.

He said: “That was the life I had since about 1996 and I did not think there was anything at all that could change that.

“It used to be living for the next hit.”

James said he was referred to the treatment programme in November 2019 and gradually reduced his dosage to the extent that after recently completing his treatment he was now living a normal, everyday life with his partner who had also been treated successfully for her addiction.

He said: “I have a nice flat, my life has never been better and I am living for the future.

“I have never went so long without getting locked up – everything has changed and it is all down to this course.”

What happens next?

Redcar Councillor Chris Jones, a member of the Cleveland Police and Crime Panel, said he wished to see the scheme rolled out into his borough Redcar and Cleveland.

He said: “I have followed this scheme since it was introduced and have taken a keen interest in it.

“We have massive problems throughout the area and communities of hardcore addicts and this is helping them, rather than treating them as criminals.

“I know some people do not like the scheme and aren’t so keen, but it would be devastating not to see it continue and move forward.”

The logistics in terms of extending it beyond Middlesbrough are considered challenging by those delivering the scheme.

Meanwhile, a further consideration as to the treatment programme’s immediate future beyond later this year may be whether there continues to be the political will behind it, both from any new Cleveland Police and Crime Commissioner and also at Governmental level.

Mr Coppinger quit his role last year, citing stress, and an election is due to take place in May to decide his permanent replacement.