A FAMILY has described how it has been 'ripped apart' after the man responsible for the death of a much-loved grandmother is jailed.

William Charles Jackson pleaded guilty at York Crown Court on Thursday, March 11, to causing the death of 62-year-old Maria Cuzyova by dangerous driving.

Jackson, 23, of Aire Road Wetherby, also pleaded guilty to two further counts of causing serious injury due to dangerous driving.

At around 10pm on Wednesday April 3, 2019, Jackson was driving his Vauxhall Astra along the A168, when he collided with a silver VW Polo, between Kirk Deighton and Walshford in North Yorkshire.

As he approached the crest of a hill with double solid white lines between the lanes, Jackson made a fatal manoeuvre, claiming he was overtaking a slower moving vehicle in front of him.

However, he had failed to see the Polo on the other side of the road, resulting in a head-on collision.

The crash killed Maria Cuzyova, who was visiting her family from Slovakia and was travelling as a rear seat passenger in the Polo.

Mrs Cuzyova’s daughter, Michaela Young who was driving the Polo, and her son-in-law Nicholas Young, who was in the front seat, both sustained life changing injuries.

Their five-year-old daughter, who was also in the vehicle at the time, thankfully only sustained minor injuries.

But the court heard in a moving victim’s statement read by Mr Young, that she will always remember the horror of the incident which took her grandmother’s life.

Mr Young also spoke about the deep impact the crash has had on the family, both in the UK and Slovakia and the pain caused by the loss of Mrs Cuzyova, in such a terrible way.

Jackson was sentenced to five years and eight months in prison and was banned from driving for seven years and ten months.

He was also ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £190.

Speaking after the sentencing, Senior Investigating Officer Traffic Sergeant Kirsten Aldridge said: “My heart goes out to the Young and Cuzyova family.

“Maria had just arrived in the UK to visit her family over half-term.

"They were travelling back home after spending a lovely evening together and should have been all been able to return safely.

"However, due to the irresponsible actions of Jackson and his poor decision making, they will forever-more remember that night with heartache and sorrow."

When sentencing Jackson, Judge Simon Hickey referred to disturbing text message evidence that the investigation uncovered on Jackson’s mobile phone, which clearly demonstrated a disregard and lack of respect to road safety and other road users.

Following the case, Maria’s daughter Michaela Young, issued the following tribute, saying: “Mum was full of life and loved by everyone.

"She was devoted to her family, especially her grandchildren who miss her every day.

"My dad’s lost his wife of 40-years, his rock, and my grandma her only daughter and main carer.

"I have lost my mum and a best friend.

“Our family has been ripped apart and we are all utterly devastated.

"Both my husband and I are left with lifelong injuries that constantly remind us of the horror caused by William Jackson.

"We would like to thank the emergency services and our local community for all the help and support they have provided during this very difficult time.”