A PHYSICS student has been awarded a scholarship to help him through his undergraduate course.

Billy Quartermain, from Redcar, has been announced as the latest Millman scholar by the Materials Processing Institute.

The 18-year-old, who is in his first year at the University of Manchester, is a former student at Prior Pursglove College and Sacred Heart Catholic Secondary School.

Offered by the Teesside-based Materials Processing Institute in conjunction with the Worshipful Company of Armourers and Brasiers, the scholarship is awarded annually to a deserving candidate from the Tees Valley region, who is planning to or is already studying towards a materials or science-related degree.

Billy will receive a range of practical and academic support throughout his degree course, including an annual bursary, paid summer industrial work placement at the institute, mentoring support from an appointed industrial supervisor and an invitation to attend the annual symposium.

He previously joined the Tata Steel Industrial Cadet Scheme in 2015, designed to inspire youngsters to consider a career in engineering and manufacture, and in 2019 took part in the High Tide workplace experience programmes. He was student of the year two years in succession at Sacred Heart and was named Physicist of the Year in 2019 – the year he also visited CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, in Switzerland.

He said: “I’m tremendously grateful to the Materials Processing Institute and the Worshipful Company of Armourers and Brasiers’ for providing me with such a valuable opportunity, one that will allow me to progress my career in science-based industry."

“Having grown up on Teesside, I’m very aware of the role the area has played in the country’s industrial development and the Millman scholarship will give me an insight into the research taking place that will transform our future industrial landscape.”

Chris McDonald, chief executive of the institute, said: “As a leader in research and innovation serving organisations working in advanced materials, low carbon energy, the circular economy and digital technologies, we are dedicated to supporting and encouraging the next generation of talent here in the Tees Valley.

“Billy is a deserving recipient of the scholarship, having already displayed a real flair for science.”

The scholarship was established in recognition of Dr Stuart Millman, an internationally renowned industrial researcher, who retired from the Institute in 2018, having spent a 40-year career in industrial research.

Billy was named this year’s Millman Scholar during the 4th Postgraduate Research Symposium on Ferrous Metallurgy, which was held virtually.

Attended by PhD students, universities, academics, researchers, and industries involved in materials, metals and process improvement, its keynote speaker was Dr Alexander Fleischanderl, head of ECO Solutions at Primetals Technologies, Austria.

The event was organised by the Institute and supported by the Armourers and Brasiers’ Company and the Iron & Steel Society.