A CONVICTED sex offender is back behind bars after he moved in with a young mother without disclosing his deviant past.

Brandon Healer (also known as Swinney) went missing for several months before police where tipped-off he was living with a mother-of-two in Darlington.

The 23-year-old left his approved accommodation in Newcastle in September last year and failed to tell the authorities where he was moving to.

He was eventually found in January this year after moving in with the unsuspecting mother on Boxing Day.

Teesside Crown Court heard how he was occasionally left alone in the house with the two children despite a sexual harm prevention order being in place to protect vulnerable youngsters.

The Northern Echo: Brandon Healer (AKA Swinney)Brandon Healer (AKA Swinney)

Healer, known as Swinney in 2015, was sentenced to two-and-a-half years after he admitted three sexual assault charges.

Ashleigh Leach, prosecuting, said: "They found the defendant in the property and arrested him for being in breach of his notification requirements. In side the house were her two young children and she confirmed she was in a relationship with the defendant."

In a victim impact statement, the mother-of-two said she was 'absolutely disgusted and felt totally betrayed' by Healer's failure to tell her about his previous offences.

Miss Leach said Healer told police officers there was no sinister motive behind his decision to move in with the woman and her two children.

Healer, who represented himself in court, told the judge he had nothing to add.

Judge Howard Crowson jailed him for 20 months for breaching his SHPO. He said: "She had two children and you formed a relationship with her shortly after you left the approved premises."