SCHOOLCHILDREN served up a treat when they took to the stage to tell the tale of an innkeeper's breakfast in their nativity play.

The 46 pupils donned animal costumes, angel wings, robes and shepherds' cloaks for the nativity, with a twist, in the chapel at Barnard Castle School.

The pre-preparatory school children, aged four to seven, spent six weeks rehearsing the production, which told the tale of the innkeeper who could not eat his breakfast because of interruptions by travellers looking for a place to stay.

Teacher Kathryn Eastwood said: "All the children have been really excited about performing for their parents and grandparents and they all remembered the words and sang beautifully.

"All the effort that has been put in by staff and parents, who helped make costumes, has been incredible."

School chaplain Stephen Ridley said: "With only one in five schools still performing a traditional nativity, we have been extremely privileged to be able to see this brilliant performance.

"The children gave a faultless recital and reminded us all of the true meaning of Christmas."