FIGURES have shown more than one in ten care home workers across Stockton had declined covid jabs as of last week.  

Vaccines are being rolled out across Teesside in an effort to give jabs to the top four priority groups by February 15. 

Data from Stockton Council showed the take up at care homes across the borough had seen 88% of residents jabbed with just 2% declining a vaccine up to January 21.

However, statistics showed 11% of home staff had turned down a covid vaccine up to that date – a total of 225 workers. 

Having the vaccine is a choice – and health leaders have warned people may still be able to spread the illness after they’ve received a jab anyway.

Stockton Council doesn’t own care homes but retains close ties with firms which run them. 

Cllr Jim Beall, cabinet member for culture, leisure and health, said there may be medical reasons why staff decline jabs – and believed it was a challenging subject. 

He added: “What we’ve gathered from our Stockton intelligence is some of that may be based on a lack of proper understanding.

“It’s an NHS programme but one of those things we can do as a council is help them with encouragement of take up.”

Efforts to roll out vaccines mean numbers and proportions of jabs administered are changing daily. 

The Tees Valley Clinical Commissioning Group pledged all care homes would be visited across Teesside by the end of last week to offer jabs to residents and staff. 

CCG director Karen Hawkins confirmed care homes for older people across the Tees Valley had now been offered the vaccine – with the exception of residents who had covid, hospital in-patients not in homes, or homes where there may be an outbreak. 

She added take up of the vaccine was at levels they expected – and that the CCG was working closely with care homes to encourage staff and residents to get jabs. 

Ms Hawkins said: “This is the best way of protecting yourself from the virus so you can keep safe and be there for your family, friends and people you care for and work with.

“The covid-19 vaccinations have been approved by the MHRA, the official UK regulator, like all other medicines and devices – and they have undergone months of rigorous testing.

“The MHRA’s approval processes mean we can be sure that they meet strict safety standards and offer high levels of protection.”

“Right of choice”

Council data for care staff who go out and visit homes showed 31% received jabs, with 19% declining and 50% “outstanding” as of January 22.

Cllr Beall said PPE and other safety measures would still be in place within care homes after jabs were administered. 

The cabinet member added: “I don’t think for one minute that staff are being irresponsible. 

“I think everyone is taking this really seriously. 

“It’s a difficult position.

“You’ve got that possible conflict between peoples’ right of choice and making care homes safer.”

Persuading people and getting rid of unfounded fears about the jabs were key, Cllr Beall added.

And he believed more people would come on board once they saw the normality and safety of the vaccine. 

However, the cabinet member believed residents and families had a right to ask management at care providers whether their staff had been vaccinated.

Cllr Beall added: “The last thing we’d want to do is to be vindictive towards care staff who over the last year have played a blinder.

“We’re talking about the same people who in the early days struggled with not having PPE, or supplies – and people who have gone the extra mile in looking after some of our most vulnerable people.

“We wouldn’t want to vilify them now because they have some concerns.”

He also hoped those who’d declined jabs would be offered a second chance to receive the vaccine in future. 

“I would hope they do get a chance to get it again if their concerns are allayed by experience and getting more information,” added Cllr Beall. 

“If you’re among the first ones to take it, there will be some people saying “yep put it in my arm” – whereas others will say “is this safe?”. You’ll get that.

“People have the right to change their mind based on what they see around them.”

“Encourage maximum uptake”

Teams of GPs, nurses, pharmacists, partners and volunteers are continuing to administer vaccine delivery on Teesside.

Vaccine take up was discussed at Wednesday’s health and wellbeing board where Thornaby Independent Cllr Luke Frost raised some concerns about jabs declined. 

Stockton North MP Alex Cunningham said care home staff had worked extremely hard through the pandemic. 

The Labour MP added: “It is right that they were in the first wave of vaccinations and I am delighted to see that vaccination take up is going well for both care home and remote workers. 

“Whether someone accepts the vaccine is a personal choice, but we should all do everything we can to encourage maximum uptake of it. 

“This includes employers such as care home providers who I hope will be promoting the benefits of the vaccine not just in terms of health and safety, but also on the wider issues of staff wellbeing, and less days lost due to self-isolation which could ease pressures on care workers.”

Matt Vickers, Conservative MP for Stockton South, has been contacted for comment.