PERMISSION is being sought to create a new caravan park and retail development.

Plans have been submitted to Durham County Council for a static caravan site, petrol filling station, drive-thru café and retail units at land to the east of Admiralty Way, Seaham.

Proposals submitted by applicants CG Robinson & Sons Ltd and CJ Leonard & Sons Ltd include the sitting of 184 static caravans.

The south-east corner of the site will feature the petrol-filling station, drive-thru café and two retail units.

The design and access statement, submitted by ELG Planning, reads: "The proposed development layout seeks to form seamless continuation of the urban area through the creation of the retail elements on the south-eastern corner of the site, which provides an active frontage onto Admiralty Way at this key vantage point. Beyond this, the static caravan park will represent an attractive form of development, which compliments both the urban edge and surrounding golf course and countryside.

"The proposed retail units, petrol filling station and drive thru unit will be limited to one-storey, with a mono-pitched roof utilised on the drive thru unit and petrol filling station forecourt shop, which adds an element of interest to the units, which sit in a prominent position on the south eastern corner of the development.

"The scale of these units ensure that will not look out of place in the context of the surrounding industrial units, nor the proposed static caravan park. A highquality material palette will be utilised across the retail units, which ensures that the development has an attractive identity, in accordance with the National Design Guide."

If given the green light, a lane will be installed at the drive-thru and 41 car parking spaces will be provided to the front of the units, along with an outsid seating area.

The applicants say the existing landscape features have been considered when designing the scheme and have influenced the character of the development.

Comments on the plans can be submitted online at