Darlington will face tougher Covid-19 restrictions from Wednesday, it has been confirmed.

Assuming MPs approve the Government's new three-tier system of coronavirus restrictions when they are fast-tracked through the Commons on Tuesday, Darlington will join its North East neighbours in 'tier 2' - for areas with a 'high' risk of coronavirus.

The town, which had been one of the few areas of the North East to avoid local lockdown measures, now faces restrictions including a ban on socialising with people outside your household anywhere indoors - including houses, pubs and restaurants.

Cllr Scott said: “I would urge everyone in Darlington to take time to understand these new rules and how they will impact all of our lives.

“We must all keep working together to help stop the spread of the virus.

“What is clear is that the new restrictions will have an impact on people’s lives and businesses. For this reason, we have asked the Government for funding to support local businesses and the most vulnerable in the borough together with asking for help to locally enhance track and trace.

“We don’t know how long these measures will last, but the more we all work together and do our bit, the better our chances will be of a swift improvement and removal of the measures.”

“These are worrying times, but by following the new rules and getting the basics right – washing your hands, covering your face and making space – we will keep Darlington on the right track.

“I am confident we will get through this together.”

The new rules, which come into effect at a minute past midnight on Wednesday have been announced by the Government this afternoon.

Darlington, along with other parts of the Tees Valley, has been placed in tier two of the new three-tier Covid framework announced by the Prime Minister. This means the risk of infection is classed as ‘high’.

The new rules mean that:

  • Households should no longer mix indoors; either at home or at any hospitality venues.
  • Different households may meet outdoors (including in gardens) but must continue to stick to the 'Rule of 6'.
  • Where possible people should aim to reduce the number of journeys they make.
  • 10pm curfews will remain in place for all pubs and restaurants, and hospitality will be limited to table service only

There are some exceptions to the rules - for instance, single person households can still have a 'support bubble' with one other household, and grandparents will still be allowed to look after their grandchildren if that means the children's parents can work.

Fines can be issued to anyone not sticking to the new rules.

The council has written guidance for residents, which can be found by visiting www.darlington.gov.uk/covidFAQs