PLANS to transform a vacant town pub into accommodation have been lodged with Durham County Council.

Developers are hoping to convert 31-33 Station Road in Stanley into five flats.

The site has been derelict for more than a decade.

A design and access statement, submitted with the application, outlines works to the building including repairs to stonework and interior changes.

The report states: “The building, once complete, will bring the building back to good repair and improve the street scene.

“We propose to re-use and repair the existing stonework and use a similar style of windows to those that are currently in a poor state.

“The rainwater goods are damaged so will be replaced to prevent further water damage to the stone.

“The site is within the town centre and has excellent transport links, access to local shops and food establishments, so is a prime position for affordable flats.”

The building is next to what was the Hibernian Club and it is understood that it was part of this at one time.

A decision on the flats plan is expected by early December following council consultation.

Comments can be made by writing to the council’s planning department or visiting its online planning portal.

For more information visit and search planning reference: DM/20/02861/FPA