BUSINESSES are braced for a hard winter as it emerges that parts of the North-East are expected to face tougher lockdown restrictions.

Tees Valley Mayor Ben Houchen is calling for more support for businesses crippled by coronavirus lockdown rules after he was told it is highly likely the whole of the Tees Valley will be placed into the second tier of restrictions, similar to those rules already in force in Middlesbrough and Hartlepool, when the new system comes into force.  

The details of the new tiers, expected to be officially announced by Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Monday, have been communicated to Northern political leaders and chief executives. 

Northern leaders have expressed anger at the economic impact of further Covid restrictions in their areas as talks with the Government appeared tense.

Manchester City Council leader Sir Richard Leese said there was a “large gulf” in discussions about new restrictions.

He told Times Radio: “We seem to have an almost impossible task of penetrating the Westminster bubble.”

However, the Government signalled local councils would be given more control over the coronavirus test and trace programme.

This came as England’s deputy chief medical officer Professor Jonathan Van-Tam said the country is at a tipping point similar to the first wave of coronavirus, but can prevent history repeating itself.

Under the three-tier system, different parts of the country would be placed in different categories, with areas in the highest level expected to face tough restrictions such as hospitality venues closing.

Pubs and bars will be required to close and no household mixing will be allowed for socialising either indoors or outdoors.  

No overnight stays will be allowed outside of the tier three restricted area for residents, and no overnight stays will be allowed within the restricted area for those living outside it.

Travel will only be allowed outside the tier three area for essential reasons, but schools, colleges and retail will all remain open. 

Mayor Houchen said: “The Chancellor announced some more unprecedented support for workers and businesses yesterday and I know this will be welcomed by so many people across Teesside, Darlington and Hartlepool who will have been concerned about how the new regulations would impact them. 

“However, with further restrictions set to come into force in the Tees Valley in the coming days, especially for our hospitality businesses, it is essential that more support is given to firms impacted by tier two restrictions. Many of the fantastic hospitality businesses we have in our region will not be eligible for this new support as the rules will not legally require them to close, but due to a ban on households mixing, they will suffer a significant fall in customers and trade. 

“Whilst nobody wants to be under local lockdown for a moment longer than is absolutely necessary, it is vital we take the appropriate steps now to get the virus back under control. By stepping up our fight we can keep as many people as safe as possible from the virus but also make sure our children can keep going to school and businesses which are covid-secure can remain open. 

“If we don’t suppress the virus now, there may have to be another damaging national lockdown – and nobody wants that. The impact on everyone’s livelihoods and physical and metal health would be catastrophic.  

“With my wife testing positive for the virus this weekend, I am all too aware of the impact it can have on families, and I know there are many more people in Teesside, Darlington and Hartlepool who have suffered much worse than me, so I urge everyone to pull together and follow the rules so we can get through this and get back to normal as quickly as possible.” 

Mr Sunak announced on Friday that workers in businesses which are forced to close under the new restrictions will have two thirds of their wages paid by the Government.

The Northern Echo: