GARDENS have certainly lifted spirits during this year’s lockdown, and although some gardens have taken a battering in August’s winds and rain, many are still looking fabulous.

It is also now time to be looking ahead to winter and spring, so what are you planting and what preparations are you making?

We asked Northern Echo readers to share photos of their gardens – and what a fantastic response we’ve had. There are some stunning images of the plants taking pride of place.

To give us a glimpse into your front or back garden, send Some details and pictures to

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Ann Bolton, from Middleton St George, sent us some photos of her garden, which is full of bright colours. Ann says they like to take some time out of working hard on the garden to just sit back and enjoy it

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Another view of Ann Bolton's Middleton St George garden

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Lynne McLaren, from Darlington, sent a lovely selection of pictures of her garden. Lynne told us: “We love our wildlife pond, pictured here. We get a lot of frogs, newts and dragonflies all breeding in the pond - this year we’ve had at least 18 nymphs emerging to become adult dragonflies. It is great to see all the new life growing in and around the pond and the birds enjoy bathing in our small waterfall."

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Lynne tells us that they also love the colour and variety of plants they have in the garden, includng this dahlia – Bishop of Llandaff.

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Lynne’s tip is plenty of organic compost, and research to get the right plants for your garden. Here is Rudbeckia Goldsturm under the Pyracantha berries

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Aster X Frikartii – Monch in Lynne's Darlington Garden