MIDDLESBROUGH Save the Woman in partnership with Family Mediation Centre has announced a new course on parenting skills that offers a fresh approach to parenting and gives the information and skills to ensure compliance with laws and regulations in the United Kingdom.

This milestone is a major move for Save the Woman on its mission to protect families so children are able to grow up at home.

Pastor Chika Amadi program facilitator Family Mediation Centre, said: “Many of us came to settle in the UK bringing along with us our different cultures and traditions some of which clash with practices in our new found home. To fully integrate we need to acquire knowledge about what is acceptable when living in the UK.

Olalekan Odedeyi, CEO Save the Woman, said: “It takes a village to raise a child. Families do not have to wait to have issues with the law before taking the lessons, there is a manual on parenting here in the UK, how much do you know?”

This comes in the wake of many of the families erroneously made to believe that parenting has no manual until they arrived here in the UK and noticed that the reason why many families come into contact with child protection, safeguarding and social services are very minor issues. If parents are well equipped, the minor issues can be nipped in the bud.

The application has now been approved.

The programme is funded by the Coronavirus Community Support Fund.