A Christmas lunch for vulnerable and elderly people in Darlington has been organised by a man who wants to give back to the community.

Taking place on December 20, Darlington's Big Xmas Lunch is the brain child of Darlington resident Carl Miller, who has been inspired to organise the event as a result of the support shown to the more vulnerable residents of the community during the coronavirus lockdown and ongoing pandemic.

Carl said: "It has been amazing to see so many people being supported during difficult times and I wanted to just acknowledge those actions. I put a call out on Facebook about the possibility of a community Christmas lunch and was inundated, with people wanting to help."

Morrisons supermarket in Darlington was one of the first businesses to get on board, donating vegetables for the Christmas dinner, and the Christmas puddings.

Carl said the idea initially had been to supply cooked dinners, but the response to his plan was so positive he got in touch with the Kings Hotel and they agreed to offer a room and food.

Carl said: "Things were really taking off, so I contacted my friend, Peter Miller, aka Miss Ann Bag, and asked if she wanted to come along and be a part of the event. We have had such a great response to our appeal."

Miss Ann Bag said: "With this year being so awful for so many people, it just seemed like a way of giving something back.

"Our most vulnerable in the community have spent so much time on their own, it seems essential to be able to bring them together, safely, to celebrate Christmas."

The event is aimed at vulnerable and elderly people.

Guests will be able to tuck into a free turkey Christmas dinner and pudding, as well as teas and coffees. Tables will be separated into groups of four to six people to adhere to social distancing.

Darlington Hub has offered to help with transporting guests to and from the event, Poundland on High Row will be donating presents for guests and prizes for a raffle.

Carl said: "We have set up a Gofundme page for people to donate enabling all these vulnerable people get a free Christmas dinner. We are also looking for raffle prizes."

About 100 people will enjoy lunch at the Mercure Kings Hotel. Although Carl hopes to be able raise enough money to feed the volunteers as well.

The hotel will be cooking and providing all of the meals on the day, as well as opening the bar for guests.

Various fundraising activities will be taking place, with the money raised going to help two charities - Mind mental health charity and Terrance Higgins trust, which provides services relating to HIV and sexual health.

Entertainment on the day will include hosting by Miss Ann Bag, and a performance and sing-a-long from wartime singer, Deborah Taylor-Smith, known as Wor Vera.

Donations can be made by searching Darlington's Big Xmas Lunch on the Gofundme website, via the Facebook page facebook.com/darlingtonsbigxmaslunch or by calling 07568 791571.