LIFE has changed and is changing completely due to the coronavirus.

Stricter guidelines have urged people to avoid unnecessary social contact and schools will shut to most pupils tomorrow.

But these important measures haven’t been taken lightly.

The Local Democracy Reporting Service spoke to former Stockton South MP Dr Paul Williams about key health advice, questions and what it’s like working on the front line on Teesside.

Why is social isolation so important?

The government has urged people to avoid unnecessary social contact – such as visits to pubs, clubs, restaurants and theatres, as well as telling people to work from home where they can.

Vulnerable people – classed as those over 70, those with underlying health conditions and those who are pregnant – have been urged to self-isolate.

Dr Williams said: “Most people themselves are not going to benefit from social isolation – they’re doing it for the good of society.

“We’re socially isolating for two reason: one is to slow the spread or transmission of this virus – because it’s transmitted by close contact when you cough or sneeze in droplets.

“The other is to protect the most vulnerable.

“With this illness, 80 per cent will have either a mild illness, or no symptoms at all, 15 per cent will get significantly unwell and five per cent get severely unwell.

“Maybe one or two per cent of people will die.

“The people at the highest risk are people older than 70 or people that have got other significant health problems.

“The most significant of those are people who are immuno-suppressed, or taking powerful treatments for cancer.

“But it also includes people with pre-existing breathing problems, pre-existing heart problems, diabetes and people with neurological problems.

“We’re socially isolating to try to protect them – that’s the key message here.

“They’re the group of people we’re trying to protect.”

Avoiding unnecessary contact

The former MP said the easiest way of describing social isolation was “avoiding unnecessary social contact”.

Dr Williams added: “If your social contact is necessary, then do it – if it isn’t, then don’t do it.

“People need to be particularly cautious about having contact with people who are vulnerable.

“The people who are vulnerable are being strongly advised to socially isolate.

“Stay in your family unit – but if your family unit contains someone who is vulnerable, then limit your social activities to the absolute minimum.

“Work from home if you can, don’t travel on public transport unless you have to and definitely avoid going into bars, restaurants, theatres, and pubs.

“Again it’s for two reasons: we’re trying to slow the spread of the virus in the community, and the other is you don’t want to pick it up and give it to someone who is vulnerable.”

Is it safe to go for a walk or a run?

Dr Williams said: “Yes to both.

“If you’re walking with someone who is vulnerable, try and stay two metres apart from them – that’s thought to be the key distance.

“Don’t sneeze or cough in their direction.

“It’s really important to keep physically active and it’s important people get plenty of sleep, drink plenty of liquids and get outside whenever they can.

“Going for a walk or a run close to your own home is perfect.”

Coronavirus or asthma – how can you tell the difference?

Dr Williams said: “For most people with asthma, when they get a virus infection it makes their asthma worse, so they get symptoms of breathlessness, wheezing and a cough.

“If they’ve had a cough every day for the last year, it’s not a new onset cough – but if they have a new onset cough then they have to consider that they meet the definition for having Covid-19.

“A new onset cough for someone with asthma means that individual should self-isolate for seven days – and their household members should self-isolate for 14 days.

“That’s strict self isolation – that doesn’t just mean limiting your social contact – that means staying at home.”

Do hand sanitisers and face masks work to combat Covid-19?

Dr Williams said: “The most important thing is to wash your hands.

“If you are going to be in an area where there are any vulnerable people, then hand sanitisers are of us.

“If you have a job you’re not doing from home, and you have to deal with vulnerable people, then hand sanitisers are good on top of washing your hands.

“They’re not a substitute for it.

“Washing your hands is the most important thing.

“There is no evidence for people in the community that wearing face masks makes any difference.”

Paracetamol or ibuprofen?

Medical professionals have said that ibuprofen is not recommended for managing coronavirus symptoms.

But those already taking ibuprofen for other conditions should not stop without consulting a doctor.

Questions have been posed about whether people should take one or the other – with some muddling of genuine medical advice and misinformation.

Dr Williams said the government advice on the two was clear: “If you’re already on anti-inflammatories for a medical reason like arthritis, then you can stay on them.

“If you get symptoms of Covid-19 – which are cough and fever – then it’s most sensible to use paracetamol rather than ibuprofen.

“There isn’t any evidence that ibuprofen does any harm but there have been a few cases, reports and speculation.

“The government has asked for an urgent review to be done on this so there isn’t any data either way yet.

“But while we’re waiting for the urgent review, the advice from the government is if you’re already on anti-inflammatories, stay on them.

“Initially at least, it is probably sensible and prudent to use paracetamol for Covid-19.”

A number of private gyms are still open – should we be going?

Dr Williams said: “The local authorities have closed down leisure facilities but I’m aware there are private gyms still open.

“It’s a matter of individual choice.

“If you’re in a vulnerable group, you definitely should not be going to a gym. If you’re not in a vulnerable group then the advice is to avoid unnecessary social contact – nobody can make you but that’s the advice from the government.

“There is still individual choice at the moment and the government is asking people not to.”

Are there any symptoms less common than persistent cough and fever for Covid-19?

Dr Williams added: “Some people get no symptoms at all.

“Some people get very minor symptoms that are flu-like, and some people get very severe symptoms – including not being able to breathe properly, a severe wheeze.

“For the purposes of simplicity in the community, you should consider you do have coronavirus if you have a new, continuous cough or a high fever.”

Life on the front line

Dr Williams was Labour MP for Stockton South from 2017 to until the election in December.

He was also selected to stand as the Labour candidate to become Cleveland Police and Crime Commissioner against Conservative Steve Turner.

Elections were put back to 2021 last week as attention turned to dealing with coronavirus.

Dr Williams admitted GP surgeries had “completely changed” the way they were operating to cope with Covid-19.

He added: “I’ve been genuinely impressed that people are happy to be dealt with over the telephone.

“I’ve had hundreds of contacts with people but I’ve seen very few of them – we’re trying to keep people away from face-to-face contacts within the NHS unless they need to be seen.

“For me it’s meant I’ve done most of my work in general practice over the telephone.

“The important message is if you think you have the symptoms of the coronavirus, you don’t need to call health services – you can go to 111 online and that will direct you what to do.

“You don’t need to contact health services if you think you’ve got covid-19.

“However, if you’ve got covid-19 and are unwell with it, then you do need to contact health services.

“But, whatever you do, don’t turn up at your general practices.

“We’re trying to keep general practices free of covid-19 so they can continue to keep managing all of the non-coronavirus problems.

“If you want some advice go to 111 online, but if you’re unwell with coronavirus, call 111 and they will instruct you on what to do.”

Are the trusts coping?

Work is being co-ordinating between public bodies and NHS health trust on Teesside and beyond to prepare for rising demand in cases.

Beds, ventilators and intensive care space are likely to be crucial.

And Dr Williams said this was why following the guidance was so important now.

He added: “We know what’s coming around the corner will be much greater than what is coming at the moment.

“I work myself in the Urgent Care Centre at North Tees – I did last Friday night and Saturday night.

“It’s busy – everybody is being very cautious and making sure staff are protecting themselves and other patients.

“People who may be ill with symptoms of coronavirus are being kept separate from other patients.

“The big thing for the hospital is that even though most people get mild symptoms, there will be a small proportion of people who get coronavirus who will get very unwell – and they’re going to need ventilation and intensive care beds.

“The trust is stepping up preparations so they can ventilate as many people as possible.”

Ignorance risks a surge

Dr Williams stressed social distancing and other measures would slow the spread of the virus and allow the hospital to cope with demand from those who are severely ill.

He added: “If we don’t do it, then there’ll be a surge in the number of people and the hospital won’t cope.

“Not only will that harm the number of people unfortunate enough to get coronavirus and need ventilation, but it will also harm the person in their 30s who’s had a road traffic accident and needs ventilation.

“It’ll also harm the person in their 50s who has a heart attack and needs ventilation – and the person in their 40s who needs intensive care from a cancer operation.

“There will be a knock-on effect to all of them.

“So the hospital will be able to cope if people do what is asked of them.

“If people don’t, and we get uncontrolled spread of this in the community, it will put demands on our hospital like we’ve never seen before.”

Is there enough personal protection equipment to go around?

Dr Williams said he’d heard each general practice was being delivered 300 sets of PPE.

He said he hadn’t been short of equipment but he urged the government to roll out testing for NHS staff.

Dr Williams added: “I think it would be good to get testing to health workers as quickly as possible.

“If I developed a minor illness, I would have to self-isolate for the next seven days and that takes me out of the workforce.

“It would be most useful if I could get a quick test to work out whether it was coronavirus if my symptoms were minor.

“At the moment, those tests aren’t available to NHS staff so it would be useful to extend the testing a bit more.

“That needs to be done quite quickly.”

What does the next day have in store?

Dr Williams was working at the Manor House Surgery, in Normanby, before covering the 6pm to midnight shift at Hartlepool Urgent Care Centre.

He added: “I expect it to be busy this evening with a combination of people who are severely ill coming in with severe symptoms from coronavirus.

“We’ll try and deal with as much over the telephone as we can to keep people from coming in.

“If someone has symptoms – breathing difficulties, fever or a cough – then I will wear PPE.

“The incubation period of this virus is probably about five days.

“It takes about five days to show symptoms, although that could range from one to 14 days.

“We think people probably start shedding the virus about a day before they get symptoms – so any of us coming into social contact with people who appear well could still be getting the virus from them.”