A HIKE in the price of school meals in Middlesbrough has been reluctantly backed in the face of public opposition.

Schools may be closed due to the coronavirus, but meal prices in primary schools will rise from £1.90 to £2.05 from April – with meals at secondary schools increasing from £2 to £2.15.

A Middlesbrough Council budget consultation saw 406 people answer a question on school meals – revealing 35 per cent disagreed with the price hike and 29 per cent were in favour.

Leaders signed off the increase at an executive meeting at Middlesbrough Town Hall on Tuesday.

And they were keen to point out meal prices were among the cheapest in both the Tees Valley and the North-east.

Cllr Dennis McCabe, executive member for the environment, said the price rise would allow the council to maintain the standard of its meals.

He added: “Without an increase, it will affect the quality of the meals we deliver. This increase will not affect anybody on free school meals, or anybody getting any help.”

Council bosses say its meal prices will remain lower than those in the town’s secondary academies – which have in-house services at either £2.20 or £2.40 per meal.

Deputy mayor Cllr Antony High told colleagues it was the first time prices had been increased in a decade.

He said: “I just hope the public understands the reasoning for the increase.

“This is not something we wanted to do but is something we have to do to ensure that the quality is there for the children of the town.”

Paid meal prices have not risen since 2009 but the council says an increase is now needed to meet rising food costs and the authority’s commitment to support a living wage for staff.

The authority service offers up to four hot main meal choices, hot and cold desserts, a salad bar including cold cooked meats, eggs, tuna, cheese and fresh fruit.

The catering service operates in 33 schools – including 20 academies – and feeds 9,626 children.

A council report states the increase will bring an extra £74,000 to the authority every year.