AN event launching a new park has been cancelled due to coronavirus.

The launch event of East Mount Park, renovated by environmental charity Groundwork together with Darlington Borough Council and Park East Partnership, has been cancelled due to coronavirus and the rise of social distancing.

Events up and down the country have also been cancelled in a bid to delay the virus’ spread.

Natalie Whitworth, community project manager at Groundwork North-East and Cumbria, will still attend the site on Thursday, March 19, where residents can join her for a litter pick.

While a little pick was always planned, there was also bird box making and other activities for the family to relaunch the park, which was previously a hot spot for antisocial behaviour.

The project, which has lasted a year, consulted residents throughout.

Ms Whitworth said: “We’re making the park an area people want to go to again.

“Previously people said they didn’t want to take children to the park, but we wanted to try to combat that.”

Groundwork removed some bushes and shrubs that attracted antisocial behaviour, because youths could not be seen, and has planted bulbs around the perimeter, among other things.

“There has been a reduction in antisocial behaviour, I'm told, and increased footfall in the park,” she said.

While small measures, the upgrades were just “phase one”.

Groundwork is looking for additional funding to continue work, such as improving drainage systems, adding bins and lighting, and building a trail for older children.

Groundwork is also the charity behind Darlington’s new Green Doctor initiative, which helps people save money on energy bills.

Green Doctor Matthew Eves, 34, stresses the fact 37,000 homes are in fuel poverty, which contributes to excess winter deaths.

He said: “It has been interesting, surprising and eye opening to see the levels of poverty that some people are having to live with and what vulnerable people, often the elderly, are spending.

“People are shocked. Sometimes it’s just £100 over what they should be, but there have been people spending an extra £500 or £600. For those in their pensions, that’s a lot of money.”

Mr Eves was also due to attend the East Mount Park launch day and give advice to the community.