Durham Cathedral has cancelled all events for three months and suspended public worship due to coronavirus - but will remain open for "prayer and quiet reflection".

A statement on the cathedral's website, says: "Durham Cathedral's doors are open. Following updated advice from the Archbishops of Canterbury and York public worship is suspended until further notice.

"For a period of three months all public events and gatherings, including group tours, are cancelled.

"Church is changing. In these turbulent times we recognise people, now more than ever, need space for solace, prayer and quiet reflection.

"For this reason Durham Cathedral remains open. We're taking extra precautions to ensure wellbeing of those who visit, including observing best hygiene practices."

It adds: "We are continuing to develop digital resources to help people take part in cathedral worship from home.

"There is signage placed around the church, based on official NHS guidance on how best to protect yourself during this period of heightened awareness. We have taken steps to increase the frequency with which we clean regularly touched surfaces in the cathedral.

"We are responding in line with national guidance from Public Health England, the World Health Organisation and the Church of England, and will continue to do so as the situation develops."