IF you've been on social media at the weekend, your timelines have probably been filled with people sharing pictures of emptying shelves or videos of queues outside supermarkets.

But there are also a lot of people using Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to do good and sharing ideas that might help others.

Here's just a few things you can do to help spread a little bit of kindness during the coronavirus pandemic.

Don’t panic buy - There's enough for everyone

Supermarkets have joined forces to appeal to residents NOT to panic buy.

In an open letter, giants including Tesco, Sainsbury’s and Asda said their staff were 'working day and night to keep the nation fed' during the coronavirus pandemic.

“But we need your help too,” the British Retail Consortium added. “We would ask everyone to be considerate in the way they shop.

“We understand your concerns but buying more than is needed can sometimes mean that others will be left without. There is enough for everyone if we all work together.”

Buy vouchers to support independent businesses

Never has it been more important to support local cafes, restaurants and other small businesses.

If you can't make it at the moment for your weekly coffee then many people have made the great suggestion of buying a voucher instead.

The business still receives the money you would have spent there and you've still got a nice treat to look forward to at a later date.

Check on your elderly neighbours

Lots of people have been sharing this form for others to print out and put through their neighbours' doors.

Use it if you're aware somebody is self-isolating or if you think they might just appreciate a chat.

The Northern Echo:

Think about setting up a WhatsApp group with your neighbours 

We know a number of streets use this method already to help keep an eye on properties when people are away on holiday but it could also be really handy if further isolation measures are brought in or if somebody near you needs a hand with their shopping.

Social media posts suggest it's best to set up with your 'immediate' neighbours and you might be surprised how many residents in their 70s already use the app to keep in touch with their grandkids.

Even if it's just sending a daily message saying 'Good morning' you never know how many people it could help that are feeling lonely.

Volunteer to help or support your local food bank

Items including soups, tinned meat or fish, tea or coffee, long life milk, dried pasta and rice, cooking sauces and toilet rolls are still needed by food banks but a number of volunteer groups have also been created in the past few days to also help elderly and vulnerable residents who can't get out to the shops.

Website Covid-19 Mutual Aid is regularly updating a list of them across the country.

General advice is to keep groups small and linked to a specific area or road to avoid complete strangers knocking on doors.

Edward Davie, the cabinet member for health and adult social care, has said concerned residents should offer help to people they already know and make donations to food banks to avoid spreading the virus.

Visit covidmutualaid.org to find more advice on setting up a group or volunteering.