A TEENAGER who selflessly helps his best friend has received a Young Heroes award from the police.

Nathan Mawer met wheelchair-user Sam at primary school and they have been firm friends ever since.

The 15-year-old has always made sure Sam was included in activities which often includes him pushing his wheelchair and collecting his dinner for him. They now both go to Teesdale School, in Barnard Castle.

Teacher Dan Pilling, who nominated Nathan, said: “Nathan has supported a young man with disability throughout his school life. He does not see disability and supports his friend with mobility around school and also collects his dinner for him. He sees him as just being his ‘mate’ and not seeing any form of disability as a barrier.”

Nathan was presented with his award at the Barnard Castle Emergency Services Hub, by PCSO Lizz Finn and award sponsors Russell Collins, from GSK, and Kevin Warnes, from S&A Builders Merchants.

Nathan’s proud mum, Alison Mawer, said: “Nathan doesn’t see Sam with a disability, he’s just his mate, so it’s natural for him to make sure he’s included. Nathan was really surprised by the award but really chuffed too.”

Both boys are Sunderland football fans and next season Nathan hopes to assist Sam to some matches.

To nominate someone under 18 for a young hero award email elizabeth.finn@ durham.pnn.police.uk or visit a police station.