THE eleventh busiest airport in Britain and the North-East's largest has revealed why it is not screening passengers for coronavirus when they return.

The Northern Echo has learned that passengers landing into Newcastle International Airport are not being checked for potential coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms.

One passenger, who wishes to remain anonymous, raised their concerns over the potential risk from those returning from affected countries, or those on connecting flights from affected countries.

However, Newcastle International Airport said it was not their decision to screen passengers for symptoms but the decision of Public Health England.

The Northern Echo:

British Airways has cancelled a number of flights to affected countries

An airport spokesperson said: "We are working closely with and taking a lead from the relevant authorities including Public Health England.

“We have strict procedures already in place for all infectious diseases, including Coronavirus. We are carrying out enhanced cleans of the airport and are providing hand sanitiser at key points.

“We have provided all of our staff with the latest guidance from Public Health England, and are encouraging employees to wash their hands regularly.

“We have also placed posters and digital displays throughout the terminal to provide passengers with the latest guidance.

“We encourage any passengers with questions regarding travel advice to follow guidance given by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

“We have in place contingency plans for this type of situation, both in terms of the operation of the airport and the performance of the business.

“We expect passenger numbers to reduce, although it is too early to tell by how much.

“As a strong regional airport, Newcastle is well equipped to navigate this challenging period.”

It is understood that airports across the UK are not screening passengers due to guidance from Public Health England not advising them to do so.

So far, Public Health England have confirmed 798 cases in the UK with dozens of confirmed cases in the North-East and Yorkshire region.

Cases in County Durham, Sunderland, Newcastle, North Tyneside, Redcar & Cleveland and in North Yorkshire have been reported.

Latest guidance from Public Health England

"If you have been in contact with someone with coronavirus or have returned from an affected area identified by the Chief Medical Officer as high risk and you are feeling unwell with a cough, difficulty breathing or fever, stay at home and use the NHS 111 online coronavirus service or call NHS 111.

"Wash your hands more often than usual, for 20 seconds using soap and hot water, particularly after coughing, sneezing and blowing your nose, or after being in public areas where other people are doing so. Use hand sanitiser if that’s all you have access to.

"To reduce the spread of germs when you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue, or your sleeve (not your hands) if you don’t have a tissue, and throw the tissue away immediately. Then wash your hands or use a hand sanitising gel.

"Clean and disinfect regularly touched objects and surfaces using your regular cleaning products to reduce the risk of passing the infection on to other people."