A MAN convicted of trying to sell counterfeit cigarettes has received a six-week suspended prison sentence and ordered to pay more than £500.

John Edward Bennett, 39, was investigated after reports of a man trying to sell the goods to members of the public on Greenfields Road, in Bishop Auckland.

He had 237 packets of fake Richmond cigarettes – more than 5,000 cigarettes.

Bennett told police he bought them from a van which pulled up when he happened to be in the layby on the A68 past West Auckland. He claimed they were for his own consumption and believed they were duty frees.

Bennett told officers he paid £900 for the cigarettes but the full retail price of legitimate cigarettes would be almost £3,000.

The defendant, of Linburn Drive, Bishop Auckland, denied the offences and failed to attend court for his trial.

He was found guilty in his absence and sentenced to six weeks in prison, suspended for 12 months, and ordered to pay costs of £400 and a £122 victim surcharge.

The counterfeit cigarettes will be destroyed.

Owen Cleugh, public protection manager, said: “Counterfeit cigarettes have a number of negative impacts on our communities. They are detrimental to retailers, support crime, and put children at risk of being sold these items when they are at low prices.

“We will actively pursue cases against anyone found selling counterfeit goods to help protect our residents from this and we hope this serves as a warning to anyone involved in the illegal tobacco trade.

“I would also ask anyone who suspects that counterfeit cigarettes are being sold in their area to report it. This can be done anonymously and will help us to remove these goods from circulation.”