TAXI drivers pick up and drop off many passengers throughout the day, sitting in close proximity for extended periods of time, but in Darlington yesterday, cabbies said they were not concerned about the coronavirus.

Lucas Sienmeinkienwics, whose taxi was at the front of the rank outside Darlington Market, said: “If it’s something that happens then it happens. I’m not taking extra precautions.”

A 30-year-old driver, who did not want to be named, had just started his shift. He said: “It’s just life. If it comes it comes, you can’t prepare for it. I’m still accepting cash. It doesn’t come up as conversation with passengers at the moment but that might change.

“I’ve just come out to be honest so haven’t had any trips yet. Isolation would be detrimental. If we get it and have to do that, then kids won’t get to school or anything – we have a contract with Darlington Council to take children to school.”

When asked if he was taking additional precautions such as asking people to wipe hands before getting in the car, he said “it hasn’t got that far for me”.

Driver Elroy McArthur, 69, who is self employed, said: “What can we do? We are helpless. If I was to isolate, I would not have any money. We can’t wear a mask. I think we will all get it and have to deal with it. I am worried just the same as what I was before the case in Darlington.

“My wife worries about me catching it but I’ll be fine.”

Councillor Kevin Nicholson, Darlington Borough Council’s Cabinet member for Health and Housing, said: “As well as the general advice about good hygiene and handwashing, we would encourage taxi drivers to pay particular attention to the cleaning of their vehicle throughout the shift and think about the surfaces that passengers will come into contact with.

“The drivers themselves should aim to wash their hands regularly, particularly when they finish their shift or when they go on breaks.”