NEW council homes could be built under a proposed development scheme.

Plans for Durham County Council to develop social housing to address a shortfall will be presented to the authority’s cabinet when it meets next week.

The council will be looking to build homes that meet the needs of people in their community, in particular looking at homes for the elderly and those with specialist needs.

As well as preparing a business plan that identifies the scale of development, there is also £1 million allocated to kick start the process.

Councillor Kevin Shaw said: “As a council we must act positively to meet current and future need and this intervention will add real value alongside the continuous work undertaken by our partner housing providers.

“This move will once again bring much needed council homes into the equation for people who want the security and sustainability of affordable housing, within the community they live.”

If the decision is passed through cabinet, a business plan will be developed to assess the scale of the opportunity of building and owning council homes.

The plan will consider a number of scenarios and funding prospects.

Cabinet will meet on Wednesday, March 18, at County Hall, Durham.

Cllr Shaw added: “Many of our elderly and disabled residents live in homes that do not meet their needs and by building more such homes we can also free the existing homes for others.”