CLEVELAND Police are working with a school to relaunch an initiative focused on getting young boys to talk about mental health.

Boys in Blue, a scheme delivered by PCSO Lindsey Blackburn in partnership with Middlesbrough’s Unity City Academy, brings teens together in a safe space where they can talk openly on issues that may be affecting their mental health.

PCSO Blackburn said: “I wanted to reinforce the message that there is no stigma attached to mental health issues and it’s ok to open up if they’re struggling with mental health, relationships, cyber-bullying or drug and alcohol issues.

“Sadly statistics show that in the UK, suicide is the most common cause of death for men aged 20 to 49.

"I wanted to work with Unity City Academy to build up trust with these young men, to break down barriers and challenge any perceived stigma.

“It’s great working with the school which has very supportive and they recognise the benefits that such a scheme should bring to their students.”

Tracey Connor, Team Leader at UCA said: “Lindsey was keen to address some real current topics as well as improve relationships between young people in the community and the work of the police.

"It is making a great impact on our young boys. We are recognising how useful it is to give varied students the chance to participate in mental health activities in a more laid back and fun way."