A SCHEME to widen the A19 and end decades of noise misery has been hailed by politicians of all stripes.

Work to widen the trunk road between Norton and Wynyard will begin on March 23 – with three lanes northbound and southbound due to come in Spring 2022.

It is hoped the project will end congestion bottlenecks on A1027 slip roads at rush hour – but also replace the concrete surface which has irritated Billingham residents for decades.

The Highways England scheme between the A1027 at Norton and A689 Wynyard junctions was launched at Billingham Golf Club.

Project manager Keith Bradley said it would address “unreliable journey times” and cut noise on the stretch.

The Highways England leader added: “Resurfacing the concrete will give us a significant reduction in noise experienced by both residents and road users. I’m pretty sensitive to road noise while I’m driving so for me that’s a big positive change.

“If you look at the modelling for the scheme, we do get rid of that queuing on the A1027 on the northbound off-slip – that’s a key benefit for the scheme and one of the drivers for it.”

A new concrete central reservation barrier will also be part of work due to be finished in Spring 2022.

Mr Bradley said two lanes would be kept open at all times in the day during the works.

He added: “There will be some closures overnight – and they should be pretty short and sharp for lifting in things like gantries – or taking down message boards and putting them back up.

“They should be pretty short and quick.”

Reducing congestion is at the heart of the “£60m to £70m” project.

But Stockton North MP Alex Cunningham praised the Billingham Action Group for its tireless years of campaigning to see the A19 sorted out for residents.

Mr Cunningham added: “It’s going to make a tremendous difference to people’s lives.

“People say they cannot actually sit in their gardens in the morning or on an evening because of the noise from the road – so it’s absolutely critical for them.

“It’s also about the wider economy and moving traffic more quickly through the area so there are tremendous benefits there too.

“It’s the Billingham Action Group who have been campaigning for several decades to make this happen today.

“I take my hat off to them and say ‘we got there in the end’.”

There were plenty of references to the new Tees Crossing during the launch.

Efforts are continuing to try and bring the £400m project to fruition to widen the A19 flyover further south between 2023 and 2027.

Tees Valley Mayor Ben Houchen said he saw the Norton to Wynyard project as “just the start” for more investment on Teesside – telling the assembled crowd he wanted to see the new Tees Crossing “sooner rather than later”.

He added: “It’s something we need to get on with because without it, it’s going to limit our job creation opportunities and the appeal we have to bring in businesses to the region.

“If logistics businesses or manufacturing businesses want to come – or if people just want to connect up in the area – getting snarled up on the flyover is just not good enough.

“We need to relieve that congestion and capacity so we have time to grow.”

The Conservative mayor added he was “bending the ears” of Highways chiefs to get them to commit money to the scheme “in the coming weeks”.

Mr Houchen added: “Once improvements to the A19 Norton to Wynyard are finished, it offers perfect timing to enter into the development of the new Tees Crossing.

“It looks like the stars are aligning to allow the Tees Crossing to come to fruition much more quickly than others expected.”

Mr Cunningham said the government needed to make a commitment to the Tees Crossing.

The Labour MP added: “That’s several hundred millions pounds we need – and that’s something we need the government it commit to so traffic can get over the bridge and through into Middlesbrough and further south.

“We also have to consider the future for the A19 going south.

“That probably needs to be widened if we’re going to give this area the connectivity we actually require.”

Meanwhile, essential repair work will continue on the A19 Tees Viaduct over four full weekends in March and April.

The crossing is 45 years old this year and transport bosses say the joints on the viaduct need to be replaced.