DOMESTIC abuse survivors are handing out messages of hope to help other women feel like they are not alone.

Women from a peer support group run by My Sister’s Place, in Middlesbrough, hand painted stones with inspiring messages ahead of International Women Day.

The 'Stepping Stones to Freedom' project was something survivors of domestic abuse wanted to do to let other women know they are not alone. 

Ejaye Moran, the charity’s clinical lead and counselling and therapeutic services manager, said: “The survivor group came up with a project they have called ‘Stepping Stones to Freedom’ in which they wanted others to know they are not alone in their experiences or recovery from abuse and wanted to raise awareness around domestic abuse and to support and encourage those affected by domestic abuse to seek support.

The Northern Echo:

Women can get in touch with My Sister's Place

"The message is bigger than the sones that are being handed out.

"It's getting the message out that survivors are there for each other and they are using their voices to say it doesn't matter how bad things are, or how impossible it feels at times, actually you can do it.

"That was a big message for them; that you are not alone. And it was about saying how do we make women feel supported at every stage of their experience.

"It's about inspiring, and empowering and and it's about not judging and saying we understand.

"I think it's a very powerful message coming from people who have been through those experiences."

They collected the stones over several weeks and painted them with inspirational messages and words of support, encouragement and empowerment.

The stones are intended be given as gifts to people to  either keep or pass on to others asking each person to share on social media to raise awareness of domestic abuse and also to offer support and inspire other women to come forward.

Here are some of their messages: 

The gift you have is you as a rare diamond

I'm so proud of you. I just wanted to tell you in case no one else has

Believe there is good in the world 

Respect is the one of the greatest expressions of love 

Never a victim. Forever a fighter

Be a stream. Clear and strong 

When life gets too hard to stand, kneel