A DRIVER under the influence of both drink and drugs ploughed into four pedestrians shortly after all left a village pub at closing time.

Two of the casualties struck by Josh Lowe’s van were left with serious long-term health issues, while their respective spouses were also injured, shortly after midnight, on Saturday July 13, last year.

Lowe, who had been drinking with a friend at the nearby Black Bull pub, in Old Shotton, Peterlee, having also taken drugs, drove away following the collision.

But, Durham Crown Court was told he handed himself in to police 45 minutes later and admitted responsibility.

Ian West, prosecuting, said both couples left the pub on foot shortly before Lowe drove from the car park.

He struck the four pedestrians, two on the pavement and two just onto the road, about 150 yards from the pub.

Ambulance crews were sent to assist the casualties, two of whom were thrown into railings of an adjoining property, and two who were left lying on the pavement.

One, a man in his 50s, was placed in an induced coma and suffered a bleed to the brain, multiple facial, jaw and rib fractures, plus serious internal injuries.

He still suffers double vision and memory loss.

A female casualty also suffered a blood clot on the brain, plus fractures to the back of her right leg, her right hand and little finger and is still said to have difficulty walking.

Lowe had more than seven times the legal limit of metabolised cocaine in his system for driving and was three-and-a-half times over the drink drive limit.

The defendant, of Morpeth Street, Horden, admitted drink and drug driving, plus two counts each of inflicting grievous bodily harm and causing actual bodily harm.

Martin Towers, mitigating, said the 25-year-old plasterer had a clean driving licence and no previous offences on his record.

Jailing him for 56 months, with a 92-month driving ban, Judge James Adkin told Lowe two of his victims would suffer lifelong effects due to his decision to drive that night