A VULNERABLE teenage prostitute told a court she was raped by a violent pimp after she scored some crack cocaine from another dealer.

The complainant admitted she was a drug user before she met up with Junior Bryan but her addiction intensified as he plied her with seemingly free drugs, Teesside Crown Court heard.

She said Bryan, known as JC, dragged her upstairs at his Middlesbrough home before subjecting her to a violent and humiliating sexual assault.

During cross examination from defence barrister Jason Pitter QC, the complainant jurors that she "ultimately paid for it with her body".

Mr Pitter QC said: “If you weren’t happy with the arrangement, you could have gone to somebody else to get your drugs.”

She replied: “One time when I got drugs off another person and his reaction, if that was the case, didn’t bear thinking about.

“He would put a stop to me trying to get drugs from someone else.”

Earlier, the court had heard how the alleged victim was attacked and raped by Bryan in 2005 after she bought some crack cocaine from another man in the town.

Mr Pitter QC put it to the complainant that she was in a relationship with the defendant, who was aged almost 50 at the time, but the woman categorically denied the claim.

The then-teenager made a complaint to Cleveland Police about Bryan in 2005 claiming was raped for one last time.

However, she then refused to co-operate with the police and the investigation was closed down.

During a pre-recorded police interview in 2017, officers asked her if the reason she stopped co-operating with the investigation in 2005 was because she was frightened of Bryan.

She said: “The thing with JC is that he can change in the blink of an eye, that’s when he can become like a wild animal.”

Bryan, who is charged with the rape of the teenager, is facing a catalogue charges from 1993 to 2013 against eight women.

The 63-year-old is facing 32 charges, including multiple alleged rapes, false imprisonment, dealing Class A drugs and living off the earnings of prostitution.

Earlier in the trial, jurors heard that the alleged offences happened in Darlington, Middlesbrough, Leeds and London.

One alleged victim from Darlington told how the defendant beat and raped her over a drug debt when she was a teenager.

Bryan, of Marton Road, Middlesbrough, denies all charges.

The trial continues.