A TEENAGER who launched a savage, drunken attack with a Stanley knife left his victim with life-changing scars.

Jacob McStravick missed the 20-year-old’s jugular vein by an inch when he flew into a rage outside Bar TS One in Middlesbrough in December.

The 17-year-old father-of-one sliced at James Hunter from behind following a row about a spilled pint.

Teesside Crown Court heard the violence erupted when McStravick or one of his friends deliberately knocked over Mr Hunter's pint and walked away.

Emma Atkinson, prosecuting, said the victim followed the pair outside and asked them to buy him a new pint before a scuffle broke out between all three.

She said the teenager removed his shirt as the man was being held by the other male. McStravick then went from behind him and he slashed at the man's neck two or three times.

The Northern Echo: TS One bar on Linthorpe road, Middlesbrough Picture: GOOGLETS One bar on Linthorpe road, Middlesbrough Picture: GOOGLE

A CCTV operator recorded him disposing of an object in a bin and then getting into a Ford Mondeo car which then left the area.

The injured man staggered on to Linthorpe Road and called the emergency services.  A bloodstained Stanley knife was recovered from the bin.

When the victim was in hospital he said:"I did punch one of them a few times". He had wounds to his neck, his forehead, cheek and upper lip

Miss Atkinson said: "He will be permanently scarred.

"It missed his jugular by one inch and had a massive impact on his life."

Miss Atkinson said the victim felt like a 'freak' as everyone stared at him due to his injuries. 

McStravick, of Hundens Lane, Darlington, pleaded guilty to wounding with intent to do grievous bodily harm and possession of a knife.

The teenager, who had six convictions including assault, was traced by his DNA found on the knife.

John Turner, mitigating, said: "I accept that there is going to a substantial sentence. This was a spontaneous reaction to an event not planned

"He comes from a wholly respectable family, and his mother was quite distressed at what her son has done.  She will stand by him but she will not condone what he has done."

McStravick received a sentence of six years and eight months' detention with an extended licence period of five years for wounding with intent.

He was given a concurrent 12-month sentence for having a bladed article.

Speaking after the sentencing investigating officer, Detective Constable Brian Lightowler said: “We welcome the sentence handed out today. This was a nasty attack and a terrible ordeal for the victim to have gone through.

“The victim has now been left with lifelong injuries to his face and neck as a result of an unprovoked and mindless act of violence which must have been absolutely terrifying.

“I hope the sentence passed today provides some form of closure to the victim knowing that justice has been served and this youth will be behind bars for a very long time.”