THE heartbroken family of Taylor Black, 18, have paid tribute to him today to mark what would have been his 19th birthday.

Taylor died on Monday, February 17, following an alleged incident on Ketton Road in Stockton.

Taylor’s mum, Lindsey said: “Today would have been Taylor’s 19th birthday and I would like to pay tribute to my beautiful, gentle, kind hearted son, who was loved by everyone.

“Taylor was so funny and loved playing pranks on his family and friends. His massive smile would light up any room and people just loved to be around him.

“He was an only child until he was 12 and up until then, we did everything together, we were like best friends and had the closest bond.

The Northern Echo: Taylor BlackTaylor Black

“I was worried that Taylor would be jealous when his little brother Shae was born, but that was not the case, Taylor simply adored him, even when he was winding him up.

“Taylor also had the closest bond with his nanna Christine who he thought the absolute world of. Even when Taylor started university he would invite his nanna there on his days off and spend the day with her, taking her out for lunch and to meet his new university friends.

“It didn’t matter who Taylor was with, he would always give me or his nanna a kiss and tell us that he loved us.

“He had a massive circle of friends whom he loved to be around, many times he would say he was having two or three of them to visit in his room but when I would go upstairs to ask him to turn the music down, I would find a bedroom full after more people were sneaked upstairs.

“Taylor was the most perfect son who I absolutely adored, he loved life, he loved gaming, reading and music and never went anywhere without his Nintendo Switch or headphones.

“He took life in his stride and even his old school teachers would say, no matter what kind of day they were having, he would make them smile as he was so laid back.

“Even when he was late for class, he would be slowly walking along the corridor with a reading book in his pocket which he would take out and read in any spare time he had.

The Northern Echo: Taylor and his mum LindseyTaylor and his mum Lindsey

“Life will never be the same without my perfect beautiful, funny, loveable boy who meant the world to everyone and I will miss him for the rest of my life.

“The days are so dark without him and I still expect him to walk in the door with his cheesy grin, telling me he loves me. I am going to stay strong and live life the way Taylor would have wanted and try and fulfil all of Taylor’s dreams he had for the future, which was so many.

“For Taylor’s birthday some of his friends have organised a lovely balloon release at the Blue Bridge field in Roseworth at 6pm tonight.

“Our family would love everyone to be there to celebrate his birthday and to show Taylor how much he was loved.

“His funeral will be taking place on Tuesday 10th March at 1:30pm at Stockton Parish Church, then onto Durham Road Cemetery and then Roseworth Social Club to celebrate Taylor’s life.

“Taylor loved to wear red and black, if anyone would like to wear a bit of red for him, that would be lovely, but this is optional, you can also wear casual clothes. Taylor would just want everyone to be there celebrating his life.”