A 21-year-old's friends and family are appealing to the public to help fund a drug that will help the lung condition that she is battling with.

Abi Purcifer, from Stockton has had cystic fibrosis since she was born, but after coming down with a bad case of flu last January, Abi now finds it difficult to breath and leave her home for prolonged periods of time.

Ashleigh Mahoney, Abi's boyfriend's sister, said: "She is in desperate need of a a drug called Trikafta, to help with her cystic fibrosis. Unfortunately the drug is only available in America and is much to expensive to buy.

The Northern Echo: Abi and AthanAbi and Athan

"In a last bid of desperation her mum Helen Purcifer has set up a go fund me page. Due to Abi’s condition deteriorating. Her lung function is now at 20 per cent so time is not on her side.

"We really want to help raise money for her before it’s too late. The NHS have said that the treatment will be available on the NHS next year hopefully, but we can’t wait this long. And it’s too costly. But how can you possibly put a price on a girl's life? Not just any girl a young 21-year-old girl who should have her whole life ahead of her.

The Northern Echo: Abi and her boyfriend, Athan MahoneyAbi and her boyfriend, Athan Mahoney

"Abi isn’t ready for this to be the end. Her life is just beginning. And we should be able to help her continue her journey and help her live more of her life.

"Money isn’t everything but in this case it’s what’s going to help."

Abi is unable to have a lung transplant, due to a range of complications so the drug is the only option.

Ashleigh added: "Abi is an amazing girl, so selfless, caring, generous and happy. And the worst of it is even though she lives this life she never complains once. Yet people complain daily for trivial things and I’m also guilty of that. But this puts into perspective just how precious time is.

"Abi’s life matters."

Abi's friends and family have also organised several fund-raising events, including, raffles and cake sales.

Abi said: "We just can't get funding for the drugs. It's shocking, we're just going to have to try our hardest.

"The support has been amazing. I can't believe it. What we've been getting from our friends and family and people we don't know."

To donate to the go fund me page, go to: www.gofundme.com