A WHOPPING two-thirds of people living in the North-East are still getting their parents to do their laundry, research has revealed.

A study commissioned by home appliance firm Beko shows the percentage of adults who have admitted they rely on their mum and dad to do their laundry.

The research, which is based on a representative study, revealed 64 percent of people from across County Durham, Teesside, Northumberland and Tyne and Wear, were guilty of the act.

It also found three in ten people were more likely to ask their parents to do their laundry, than ask to borrow some money.

Describing it a "laundry battle", the study said those in their 30s were most likely to see washing as the worst household chore as it said on average, Brits were likely to use their washing machine 260 times per year.

The Northern Echo:

Beko said the most common reason people enlisted help from the parents included:

Struggling to keep on top of the load - 19 percent

Because their parent enjoys doing the washing -18 percent

Being too busy - 17 percent

Can't be bothered - 11 percent

No excuse because parents always do the washing -  10 percent

'Something we can all relate to'

Vijay Bhardwaj of Beko UK & Ireland said: “We’re not surprised by some of the results in our latest research.

"Popping home with a bag of washing for mum or dad is something we can all relate to.

"Most of us would put in a call to our parents if we’re struggling or just don’t know how to wash a delicate item of clothing.

“There’s no denying that for some reason we trust the laundrette of mum and dad more than ourselves."