AN ARTIST who has fought for his career over the last ten years is pleased to now see his album, released last year, in HMV stores across the region.

Oli Patterson, a Darlington man who performs as Oli Patto, contacted HMV after hearing about the company's new live and local project, where unsigned acts perform in stores, to see if he could get involved.

The 24-year-old said when HMV replied, they said they also liked his album, M33, and wanted to stock it regionally.

It's now available in Darlington, Stockton, the Metrocentre and Newcastle stores.

Mr Patterson said: "I'm thrilled, proud and very excited.

"We're looking to get them in Sunderland next, then Leeds and further afield. It's all down to HMV though."

From the initial outreach in October 2019, it took around four months for M33 to land on shelves.

"I sing across the region every weekend, in bars, pubs and clubs, and have been doing so since I was 14," he added.

"You wouldn’t get away with it these days. I used to get £80 a gig at that age, which I saved up to get my own PA system."

The artist, who is otherwise a barber at Clinic 36 on Duke Street, now has a full kit and team behind him, which has helped to build momentum.

“I love my job, I get to meet so many different people and love talking but I also love singing.

"It’s not about fame or anything, but having people come up to me after a gig to tell me they like my music.

"My songs are upbeat and happy, I think it’s important to create positive and uplifting energy.

"I went through a bad patch last year where I was really down and miserable. It was just personal things that made me not be the artist I am today, which made me think, is this working?

"The big message I would put forward is if you have something you really love, you should never give it up."

Through work at Clinic 36, the performer has become an ambassador for local organisation CPositive, which supports cancer charities in the region and helps people diagnosed with the disease keep a positive outlook.

Mr Patterson will also be releasing a new EP this year, called Ten, marking his decade-long career.

Along with manager Dean Jones, 20, Mr Patterson hosts a radio show on CVFM every Monday night, which is where the pair met.

Not only were albums stocked in store, but Oli Patto will be performing in Middlesbrough HMV on Sunday March 15, at 2pm.