IN our new regular Baby of the Week feature, today we introduce to the world... Lena Kieran-King.

Lena was born to mum, Natasha Carter and dad, Simon Kieran-King on Tuesday, November 5 at 2.22pm.

Natasha, from Thornaby, said: “I had my daughter at 29 weeks and four days. I had placental abruption, I lost 2.5ml of blood I had to get rushed down to emergency C-section in James Cook University hospital.

"Lena was born pale and not breathing the doctors had to force air into her lungs she cried a minute later, then she was rushed straight down to the neonatal ward in James Cook where she was ventilated and kept in an incubator for six weeks.

“She was on a CPAP machine to help her breath out under a UV light as she had jaundice, she had to be taken to the RVI in Newcastle as she had a swollen belly and an infection in her bowels. She had to have parts of her bowels removed and and she had to have a stoma bag put on. She was put on low flow oxygen.

“A few months after Lena had her bowel reattached and was out in a children’s ward in Newcastle hospital where she currently still is to this day.”

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