NETWORK Rail are recruiting for more than 60 roles across the North-East and North Yorkshire with a healthy salary.

With pay starting at around £26k and rising to almost £50k, Network Rail are recruiting for signallers to work across the region and in York.

Signallers, who are responsible for ensuring the railway runs safely, set signals, control level crossings and allow trains to use parts of the track at different times.

Network Rail says signallers begin their careers in signal boxes and tend to progress to the state-of-the-art York ROC - where signalling systems for much of the East Coast Main Line - are controlled.

However, in this latest jobs boost the government-run firm is offering people the chance to work at key areas along the East Coast Main Line and also at the Rail Operating Centre (ROC) in York.

John Doyle, who started working as a signaller a year and a half ago - but has since been promoted to look after a larger area of the railway, said: “Signallers oversee the safety of the railway. No train moves without our say so. If there’s an incident, we are there to step in and get the railway running again.

“I’ve had the opportunity to work using both signalling systems, in the older signal boxes from around 60 years ago and with the modern signalling system in the ROC.

“I enjoy getting a buzz from the responsibility, as you get to make the decisions about a big area of the railway.”

The job in detail

According to jobs site - Planit - said signaller shifts can vary between 8 and 12 hours, depending on location / you may be working alone or with a team of other signallers / you may spend a lot of time in front of computer screens / you would have to work shifts, including evenings, nights, public holidays and weekends and the work may be mentally exhausting.

How to apply

Those who are interested are being encouraged to take part in the signaller recruitment event on Saturday, March 14 at the ROC. 

From there, signallers, managers and staff members are on hand to offer advice and answer any questions about the roles.

  • Those who want to attend will need to book a place by emailing