DOZENS of women will be swapping four wheels for two to join a campaign to make cycling the transport of choice for commuters or those looking for a new challenge.

Philippa Rayner, 43, is among those joining the Let's Go Ladies project this summer after getting into cycling following the breakdown of her marriage in 2016.

As a busy mother-of-one working in IT in Darlington, Ms Rayner bought a bicycle with the aim of getting out into the fresh-air.

“I hadn’t cycled in years. I was a little bit overweight and a bit lost," she said.

“The biggest thing for me has been the benefits in terms of my mental health and wellbeing. I don’t know where I would be if I hadn’t have done it. I have used riding my bike as a springboard to improve my health, both mental and physical."

She added: “I’d love to see more women cycling. The Tees Valley is brilliant for cycle paths.”

When you’re driving you don’t see your town in the same way. On a bike you can really discover this town and there’s a lot to see. Whether you do it on your own like I did, with a friend or a partner, I really recommend you try it.”

Ms Rayner now regularly cycles the 6.5 miles in to work and back, as well as going for longer rides at the weekend along the 707 kilometres of cycle routes in Tees Valley.

Let's Go Ladies, organised by Let's Go Tees Valley, starts in July and aims to get more women to try travelling by bike, instead of by car. There will be free training, bike rides, maps and other practical advice to make cycling easier and more fun to do.

As part of the campaign, women are encouraged to contact nearby active travel hubs to get hold of cycling maps and sign-up for the free guided rides and confidence booster sessions, as well as the basic bike maintenance courses, that are on offer from the active travel hub in their council area.

Supporting the initiative, Councillor Heather Scott, Tees Valley Combined Authority’s cabinet lead on transport, said: “There are lots of reasons for women to get cycling, from health benefits to helping the environment. What better time to take it up than summer, and with lots of support thanks to this fantastic scheme."

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