A HOLIDAY club and a shop run by young people, for young people, are amongst the plans made to entertain youngsters this summer.

The Bowes Museum and The Witham are working with The Tees Valley YMCA to create a safe space for young people to hang out during the summer holidays.

The three organisations are in the process of securing an empty space in Barnard Castle which will be open during the last week of August.

Some ideas put forward during planning meetings include games consoles, a photobooth, instruments, gym equipment and the chance to take part in cooking classes.

Teenagers who visit the shop can enjoy free and discounted food and The YMCA are hoping to create a film about the shop, following the story from start to finish.

The charity then plan on taking the legacy of the shop to the Durham Festival of Wellbeing which is taking place from August 30 to September 1.

Bowes Museum and The Witham are also working with TCR The Hub to create a holiday club to aid parents with childcare.

The Barnard Castle Holiday Club will run from Monday, August 12 to Friday, August 23 and will be based in the Witham, the Bowes Museum and the Hub, with each venue offering different activities.

A day of drama games, singing and movement will take place at The Witham on August 12, 13 and 14 from 9.30am till 4pm, with a session for parents at the end of each day.

The Bowes Museum will hold three days of arts and crafts on August 15, 20 and 22 from 8.30am till 5pm where youngsters can try printing, painting and sculpture and earn a Discover Arts Award.

And when the holiday club moves to the Hub on August 16, 19, 21 and 23, children can enjoy working on a mural to adorn the walls of the workshop area.

The holiday club costs £25, siblings or multiple bookings are discounted to £20 and lunch costs £3.50.

For information visit: thebowesmuseum.org.uk/Whats-On/Barnard-Castle-Holiday-Club or call The Bowes Museum on 01833-690606.