A RENOWNED folk singer has returned to her roots to dedicate a performance to the community she grew up in.

Singer Clair Hamill played a one-off concert for the people of Port Clarence, in Billingham, to officially hand over a song she had written for the area.

Born and raised in the area, Ms Hamill went on to become a successful singer, touring America and releasing 11 albums over a career of 40 years.

Called Made of Girders, the song marks the area’s industrial heritage.

Housing company Thirteen supported Ms Hamill to present the song at a special concert in Port Clarence.

In the run-up to the concert, the singer spent time with pupils at High Clarence School to teach them the song and they joined her on-stage to sing for other members of the community at the concert.

She said: “I am delighted to be involved in this wonderful project. I am very proud of my family’s ties to ‘The Port.’"

Chris Smith, executive director of service delivery and development at Thirteen, said: “It’s a real coup to have a musician of Claire’s calibre writing a song specially for Port Clarence.

"It’s great to see someone like Claire return to her hometown to be part of the celebrations and Thirteen is really pleased to support the concert."