AN affordable housing development built in place of a once flood-hit sheltered housing scheme has been named the best affordable housing development of the year in a major category.

The Oswin Grove affordable housing scheme in Gilling West, Richmondshire was built on 'stilts' on land prone to flooding in the centre of the village.

The former sheltered housing complex that existed on the land was razed, before the Broadacres housing association had the new 11-home development completed last year.

But following nominations, the Oswin Grove development was named Best Social or Affordable Housing Development of the Year for the North and East Yorkshire region.

The award was won in the Local Authority Building Control Building Excellence Awards.

In its initial construction, several concrete 'pile' foundations that went 14 metres underground were installed.

The development was built half a meter higher than the previous, in order to avoid future instances of flooding.

In partnership with Pod Newcastle, The Esh Group, Billinghurst George and Partners, the Broadacres development was singled out for the complex nature of its "design" and "build process".

Gail Teasdale, chief executive at Broadacres, said: "We are delighted that the design of Oswin Grove has been recognised with this award.

"We set out to provide a modern twist which was still in keeping with the local surroundings and to add further vibrancy to the village, and it’s clear that this has been a success.”

The development was aided by Richmondshire District Council, who "gifted" the site in response to a need for more affordable family homes in the district.

Councillor Angie Dale, leader of Richmondshire District Council, added: "We are very proud of the work being done in Richmondshire.

"This innovative scheme saw a flood hit development transformed into modern housing in a rural location, providing homes for local people."