A COMMUNITY project funded by the National Lottery Community Fund has launched its latest programme of free sessions to help tackle loneliness and social isolation.

Ageing Better Middlesbrough, which is a six year multi-million pound programme, was designed to reduce loneliness and social isolation for those aged 50 and above.

The programme has already seen more than 3,000 in that age range, in Middlesbrough, sign up to a free membership, with the opportunity to get out and try new activities.

The latest programme includes pottery, jive dancing, murder mysteries and computer coding.

Linda Ford, Ageing Better Middlesbrough's community projects officer, said: "Our free taster sessions help people try something new or rediscover an old hobby in a welcoming environment. They are brilliant for anyone, particularly those who might be feeling a bit lonely or unsure of joining a new group. People who have attended in the past tell us that taking that first step to go to a taster session can lead to much more – making new friends and finding old ones again, reminiscing, having fun and feeling part of their community. We want to help make people's lives better as they get older."

For more information visit ageingbettermiddlesbrough.org.uk/taster-sessions