A DETECTIVE investigating a group brawl in Sunderland has appealed for motorists to come forward with dashcam footage.

Shortly before 7pm on Tuesday, June 25, police were called to the area of Trimdon Street after receiving a report of an affray involving up to 30 people.

A large group were fighting each other in the street and a number of vehicles were damaged in the incident.

The altercation then continued on Hylton Road shortly after.

An investigation was launched following the incident which occurred during broad daylight in Sunderland city centre.

A 24-year-old man remains under investigation and enquiries are ongoing to trace multiple offenders who were involved.

This week, detectives have been mapping out a chronology of events that led to the disorder and the officer in charge of the case has now asked the public for assistance as the investigation continues.

Detective Inspector Sean Mcguigan, of Northumbria Police, said: “This was a very serious incident which involved a large number of people behaving in a totally unacceptable manner.

“A group of individuals were seen fighting in the street and a number of vehicles were subsequently damaged as the row continued over a large area.

“The violence shown could have easily led to serious injury or even a fatality, and as a result, we are committed to ensuring those responsible are brought to justice.

“This altercation happened in broad daylight in a busy area of the city. There will have been a number of passers-by and witnesses who saw what unfolded, and today I am appealing to those people who are yet to contact police to do so.

“A number of motorists will have been driving in the area too at the time of the incident, and I would ask them to check their dashcam footage and send anything of note to the police.

“Large-scale disorder such as this is rare in the city, but regardless, we do not apologise for our zero tolerance approach and will continue to do everything we can to bring those responsible before the courts.”

Anyone with information or dashcam footage is asked to contact 101 quoting reference 932 250619 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800-555111.