A FIRE at a Middlesbrough property led to a suspected cannabis farm being discovered.

Around 130 suspected cannabis plants were found last night on the first floor of a property in Southfield Road.

Officers also found materials to cultivate cannabis.

Cleveland Police said the property was extensively damaged by fire and have issued a warning to public.

Chief Inspector Dave Snaith said: “No one was harmed in this incident but it could easily have been different.

“Organised criminals cultivating cannabis are reckless about the danger to communities and to the safety of those living in their cannabis farms.

“A sign of a cannabis farm can be dangerous use of electricity. We don’t yet know what caused last night’s fire but modifications had been made to the property to use it as a suspected cannabis farm.

“We’d ask anyone who suspects a property is being used to cultivate cannabis to contact us on 101.

"Telltale signs include curtains drawn at all times, a strong smell and people visiting at unusual hours.”

Cleveland Fire Brigade attended to deal with the fire which caused widespread damage to the property.