MRS ENID KERR died on June 18, aged 81. She was born, raised, worked, retired and lived in Stanley all her life, most recently at Beamish Court.

She worked at JS Robson, Adams & Gibbon, Bristol Street Motors and for 30 years on the petrol forecourt on Chester Road.

She also worked at the Topper/Hill Top, Black Horse, and Northern Club.

Mrs Kerr had five daughters, Janet, Lorna, Irene, Christine, Kim, 11 grandchildren, 24 great grandchildren, and one great great grandson.

She was married three times to husbands Dougie Rimington, Mick McCluskey and John Kerr, who died in 2014.

Daughter Christine said: "Mam was very much known and loved. She loved her holidays and going out. She liked a drink, was a member of most of the local clubs, played darts and dominoes, and took part in Karaoke.

"She still got out and about, had a few holidays and played bingo even after a stroke in 2011, but had to be taken usually by eldest daughter Janet.

"She waved and watched people go by her window as she watched TV in her little flat."

Her funeral was held yesterday at Mountsett, followed by a gathering at the RAFA Club in Stanley. Arrangements were made by JM & E Ovington.